Saturday, June 5, 2010

A highly productive and successful day

Well, it's done. I jumped Patrick.
And look at how gosh darn cute he is! What a little champ. You'd NEVER believe that jump was all of about 18" high, hahaha:D

He warmed up perfectly again, no issues with his leads. Once he started getting a little unsure of himself about the jumping, he got anxious and it got a little hairy in the canter departure department, but he settled in really nicely and figured it out so quickly it was amazing.

I had him going through the 2.80 ground poles, then 6m to a tiny little vertical at first. It gradually built up to that little oxer you see in the picture. The first few times through were pretty ugly. He anticipated the jump, tripped through the ground poles, demolished a few cinderblocks (thank goodness they're cheap!) and smacked his feet on the jump rail. After about three times through, I added another 6 inches in height, thinking he'd see it better, and it worked! We did it a few more times successfully, then made a HUGE deal over him. He was so pleased with himself:D

I was actually kind of worried about jumping him. I free jumped him about a year ago, and he jumped awfully. No lift in his shoulder, knees pointing straight down...much like an untalented reindeer. The last horse I had that naturally jumped that way was sold as a trail horse he was so dangerous. I guess that's the risk you take in buying young horses, but I put lots of extra effort into Patty's flatwork trying to get him to stretch his back and shoulders. I'd like to think that helped, because there's no evidence of that in the pictures I have! Yay!

I did a quick school over some single fences with Bella today in preparation for tomorrow. She had a minor fit about the flowerboxes that walked themselves in front of the coop, but she jumped around pretty decently after the temper tantrum, and even jumped a decent sized oxer in good form without question. I don't think she could be any more ready for tomorrow! Oh, and I even found all my distances (which I always fret about).

The rest of the afternoon was spent giving Bella an hour long bath (which I will have to repeat tomorrow morning, I'm sure. No more grey horses please!) and cleaning my tack up. I filled her hay net, cleaned the trailer, now all I have to do is pack up, load up, and ship out! I'm already getting a little nervous, so I hope Bella carries her end of the slack. It's been two years since we've shown as a team!

And, as usual, Bailey took one for the team and has a long weekend while I prep Patrick and Bella for the next few weeks of showing. I really don't think she minded too terribly much, except that she had to sit in her stall all afternoon (heaven forbid, she had a fan. What is there to complain about?)

Quinn refused to leave his stall after dinner. He's gotten rather obnoxious in his old age, and I love it. It's absolutely hilarious. He LOVES pretending he's this crippled old man. If he's going to a field he doesn't like (aka after dinner), he walks like someone sucked out all his joint fluid. Point him towards the field he does like, he prances like a racehorse in the post parade. Walk him out the front of the barn towards the round pen and you have to drag him. Literally, you have to haul on the lead rope. Pass the round pen and head towards the top field, and he's dancing on the end of the lead rope. Oh boy, how I love him:D He thinks he's so smart.

Early start tomorrow. I know I'm going to get to the showgrounds at 11am, and my class won't go off until 4pm, but there's no sense tempting fate!


  1. Good luck at the show, and nice jumping photo - no knees problem now!

  2. Patty looks fabulous! Very impressive little dude :-)

    Best of luck with Bella today!
