Thursday, November 11, 2010

Boy oh Boy, what else can go wrong?

I just keep getting myself into messes...grrr.

On a totally off topic, I got a new phone! Despite the love I possess for my iPhone, I made the switch to the Blackberry Torch since it was $100 cheaper (and we all know how that goes...). So far, I really like it. Maybe more than my iPhone *gasp*!

Anyways, I had planned to ride Bella in my lunch break this afternoon in prep for Columbia this weekend. What happens when I get there? She's twisted a shoe and jammed the clip into her hoof. Fantastic. To top it off, it was nearly 65 degrees today and they left her heavy sheet on. She was drenched, and I mean lathered, in sweat. What. Retards. I'm sorry, I understand that operating a horse farm is tough, sucky, b.s. work...but I am NOT. I repeat, NOT paying $575 a month for that kind of crappy care. Especially when I cant ride my horse because she's too busy pacing the fenceline and pulling her shoes! Argh. I put a text into Joe, my miracle farrier. He hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I'm hoping that he can tack it back on in time for me to school up for Sunday. It's a 1.10-1.15m class...not something to just go into blind! Oh Bella...

The babies continue to have some time off. I guess it's no huge deal, but I do need to school Bailey up before next weekend. We're shipping off to Middleburg, VA for a night to take a lesson with Margot McAllister, a Grand Prix dressage rider that my very good friend Stephanie works and rides for. I'm super excited to hear what she has to say about Bailey, and learn some new techniques on the flat. Basically, I'm just excited to do something. Plus, she seems super nice and is giving me a super heavy discount, which is always a perk.

One of my boarders left today, so I think I'll be acquiring a new boarder horse soon. It's going to be another one that belongs to a girl that already has two here. She's trying to get her ISH breeding program off the ground, and I've mentioned her before. She's off to a great start. I really like the horses that she's producing. Anyways, I'm happy she's taking the stalls because that means that I can't fill them with some other project I can't handle right now.

Raleigh is this week and next week. I wish I was there:( It was such a fun show.

I'm so tired. I think I forget what it feels like to be awake. Is that what it's like in this industry? I hope it's something that goes away after a while. Once I'm 'established' and all. I think I just need to suck it up, throw out my amateur status, and rent a place. It seems like people would pay the money, and if Bella's current home is any clue as to what boarding facilities are like these days, it shouldn't be too hard to gain clientele.

Oh, life. Stop throwing curveballs, please?

Anyone have any big Turkey Day plans?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life as an adult is exhausting

I'm not even sure where I left off last...

I've started riding one of my boarder's horses that she keeps at another facility. He's a 5 year old ISH named Cooper. I get to sit on him all this week to help her prepare to show him to a potential client on Sunday. He's pretty spectacular. As much as I hope he sells, for her sake, I'd almost love for him to stick around because she's offered to let me show him:)

On another note, Bella left for Pickwick Stables this past Saturday, where she will be dwelling until probably the end of February or March. It's tough not having her under my 24/7 scrutiny, but the indoor arena will be vastly helpful. We're headed to a schooling show at Columbia Horse Center this Sunday to do the 3'6" to 3'9" money classes (yes, money at a schooling show!). I'm a little nervous, but we need to step up to the plate at some time or another, and she's been doing really well. Though, she's probably a little perturbed with me right now because her left side is clipped, but only the outsides of her right legs are done on the other side. That's what happens when you don't have more than 20 minutes to a half hour to mess with your horse at any given time! Oh well. I've decided against showing Patrick this Saturday, so I'll hopefully have her cleaned up and ready.

I never heard back from the little girl that came to try Patrick. They weren't professional horse people, nor were they clued in on proper horse-trying etiquette, so I have a feeling I won't hear anything more from them, despite the fact that the girl specifically said, "I love him!" with a big, dopey smile. Selling horses is rough.

I've also signed up to be on a mailing list that will hopefully clue me in on some upcoming clinics, since I'm trainer-less and wandering.

So now I work from about 6:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night. It's exhausting, and it leaves little time to even pretend I'm human.

On a bright note, Nathan and I have started working on the house. We bought appliances last weekend (super deals at Sears!) and got them moved in this past Sunday. It should only be another two weeks or so until we can move in:)

Well, off to work again. It never ends.