Thursday, June 3, 2010

Horse laundry never ends

I love the simple days. Bella had the day off, and seemed delighted to just stick her face in her fan all afternoon while the babies worked.

I put Patrick back in draw reins, once again hoping to trick his balance into being cooperative. It worked. He picked up both leads like an old pro, occasionally even breaking into the correct lead when I'd ask for an extended trot. Go figure. I've decided that he knows his leads. They're in there somewhere. He's a super smart little horse, and I haven't completely decided if he does it just to annoy me, but I'm going to ignore it for now, and move on. If he could do it perfectly today, he's ready to start jumping in every other aspect. So probably Saturday I'll set up a little grid for him to pop over. I'm going to see if my mom can get pictures:D

I pushed Bailey for another 5 minutes today. She's up to a 15 minute w/t/c session, and she's still a total dollface. I'm really not rushing to get her going, especially since she's still growing. I talked with my trainer yesterday, and he thinks we should try breeding her next spring as a 4 year old. He thinks she'll be worth our while as a mare, and he has connections with a really super Quidam stallion in North Carolina. Free stud fee? Why not!? I'm not psyched about breeding her so young, but Germany has been doing it for centuries and they know best! We shall see, I suppose!


  1. Do an ET (embryo transfer) with her! You still get your mare in training for the whole year, and MAGIC! Baby happens.

  2. He mentioned that, actually, because he wants to do that with his mare. I'm afraid to see the bills on that, but the guy that owns the stallion is a repro specialist...soooo discounts maybe? haha. I don't know enough about it!
