Thursday, July 8, 2010

There are some perks to the heat

It was only supposed to be 94 today, but the humidity had it feeling like the triple digits again. Talk about miserable! However, the extreme heat combined with the drought Maryland has found itself in has done wonders for the ugly weeds that my dad never gets around to 'whacking'. They're drying up and dying quick! Granted, this makes things really ugly...but at least they're dead!

I think I accomplished a lot today. I started out later than I wanted to, but I just couldn't get myself out of bed. So when I finally got started, it was already hot and muggy out. I hacked Bella around really quick again. She was less than enthused, and much prefers sitting in front of her fan looking like a surfer dude. But she was well behaved (mostly because I think she wanted to be done quick!).

Then I went around and set the fences smallish, about 2'9", and decided that I should jump Patrick around one good, solid time before I leave on vacation. I tacked up and warmed up as quickly as possible, saving energy for the jumps, and started popping over some fences. He didn't even bat an eye at the larger vertical and oxer I set, and hopped right over my log jump and liverpool from every which direction and angle. It was such a great feeling! I even sat there like a mannequin and let him lope up to the jumps entirely by himself. No matter the distance, he willing found a way to the other side. This is perfect. It's just what I need to advertise him as a kid's horse. So just for the sake of throwing something from left field, I showed him the little 3'0" coop, and geared him up to canter to it. He. could. have. cared. less. Jumped right over it (he did overjump that one a little) three or four times, and I practically sang his praises up until he was back in his stall. Holy cow! Not bad for a $500 horse!

After downing two bottles of water, I decided Bailey was so good yesterday (and hates the heat as much as I do) that she could afford a day off. I'll hack her/lunge her good tomorrow, and then they all have their week of rest while I'm at the beach:)

Since I didn't feel like going inside, despite the extreme temperature, I decided to oil and clean all of my tack (Bella promptly tried to EAT my Antares, leaving lovely tooth indentations). It hadn't been done in ages, and since I can't afford new stuff, I figured I should probably do something about that. Then, to top off my day of productivity, I rounded up some more 'Oops!' paint (bright yellow) and painted some more. I now have two navy/yellow poles, two yellow standards, and two navy standards. Now I just have to find my rusty red and my mint green paint, and decide what to do next! Needless to say, my place gets slightly classier every day!

How are you all dealing with the heat??


  1. I am.....avoiding it to the best of my ability, haha. Lots of water.....and using the indoor to my advantage. It thinks it just being in the sun that is brutal. Yes, thanks to Wilson and my current barn, I am a wuss. What would i do without an indoor?!?! lol

  2. Ah I hear you! I drink water like it's my job, and it IS being in the sun that's the worst. Plus, gotta love that east coast humidity!
