Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A vet day

This morning my youngest sister, Becca, my on-again-off-again boyfriend Nathan, and I all tacked up a horse and went for a trail ride. Becca had Patty, I took Bella, and Nathan yanked Quinn out of retirement to go for a walk. It was relaxing and entertaining, because Nathan has only ridden a handful of times and Quinn has his own ideas.

Bella felt really great today. She was super stretchy and forward without leaning on the bit at all. It was a really great feeling. I hope it's her new feet talking!

I made an attempt to lunge Bailey again, but she was lazzzyyyy. I could barely keep her trotting on the line. I just blamed the heat and let her end early. There was really no sense pushing it when she was behaving herself just fine. I did a little bit more ground work, and tomorrow I'll do some more and go into some details about what I do, just in case anyone is interested.

So then my vet came out and gave everyone their second round of spring vaccines. Thankfully, since 4 of the 7 horses aren't leaving the grounds, I got to avoid the intranasal strangles with them. The babies freaked, as usual, and Bella thought she was too smart to get the tube in her nose. I really truly hate the nose tube method, but my vet likes it for some reason. I know that's a topic open for debate. Anyways, he mentioned again that he's still looking for part-time help if I'm interested. I think it could be a great learning experience and an awesome marketing tool, but at the same time...I don't want to see the sadder side of being a veterinary assistant. I just don't know if I could handle it emotionally.

Anyways, I learned today that my trainer went to Roanoke without even so much as mentioning it to me. I haven't heard a peep out of him in a week now, but I know he's down there because I checked the show entries. He's also still keeping around his "Oh Anna, he's just temporary help" groom, and a client that he told me he was kicking out a month ago because she has a big mouth. However, it seems as though the lies keep building up. He also let his self-indulgent and egocentric daughter ride my sale horse in two weeks of competition, after I was told the horse wasn't being shown anymore. I guess I get to put in all the work, and she gets to reap the benefits. Now, looking back on it, no matter how much I like and trust a person, I'm getting a contract. I was supposed to receive $5,000 off of that horse's commission, and now I can't even get the bastard to return a text message.

Needless to say, I'm VERY frustrated. I began a search on other local trainers that do the rated stuff. Not because I can afford to go to the A shows, but just because I want someone of that caliber if I'm going to be spending the money. Plus, I can always tag along and continue to get my face out there in the crowds. It never hurts, right?

Ah, what a long, depressing day:( I'm really down in the dumps, but after talking to two very appreciated friends, I think I just need to bite the bullet, stop dwelling on what "isn't", and make every moment of the present count for something. That sounds all optimistic, now I just have to believe it.


  1. Sorry things are hard - hope they look up soon - at least the trail ride was fun!

    We all hate the tube up the nose - especially the horses! I believe it's more effective as a vaccination and also doesn't have the higher risk of infection that comes from strep/strangles given IM.

  2. Thanks Kate:D And I know my horses hate it! I've seen some places that refuse to accept it as a form of vaccine though, which I found strange.
