Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I've been a little lazy

So yesterday Bella had off and remained outside all afternoon with Quinn and Fiesta, but for some reason she didn't feel like lounging. Ignoring her leg wraps and day of rest, she continually ran around her field, bucking and carrying on like a two year old. It was a little annoying, but if that's what she felt like doing in her free time, hey, have at it, I suppose.

I had a fantastic flat on Patrick. He was totally stellar, and I'm starting to really increase my opinion of him. He's really starting to push from behind, and threw out some insane extended trots down the long sides, really reaching into the contact. I honestly never suspected he'd be anything more than a little kids backyard horse, but my efforts to make him into something fancier are really paying off. I saw some pictures my mom took of him on the flat, and he's actually quite cute! I'll have to get my hands on them to put up here. Anyways, I was super pleased with him, and made a huge fuss over him afterward, which he reveled in.

This weekend there's another county show at the barn I used to ride with. Saturday is the junior day, while Sunday is the adult and jumper day. I'm planning on bringing Patrick over early Saturday morning for the 7:30 schooling. He hasn't been off the farm before, so I'm starting to really put the pressure on myself to expose him to different things to get him sold. I figured a local schooling show session would be perfect for a place to start. So I guess I should probably teach him how to trailer, right? Haha, he hasn't been on one since he was 6 months old, and that was the only time. I opened it up yesterday after our ride and planned on showing it to him again. He put his front feet on the ramp, but was content to just stand there until I shook a bucket of grain in his face. Then we walked right up, stood on it rather calmly to eat his little lunch, then backed off smoothly and went out to his field. I plan on doing that again a few times, and then putting Scooter on there with him if need be. I knew I kept that little brat around for a reason!

Bailey was a little fiery yesterday, and by that I mean she did her super slow clunky warmblood wanna-be gallop instead of her putzy little trot for one lap, then settled into her usual self. I cantered her a little more than normal, continually pushing her just a little bit harder, but I kept it short. She had a minor case of hives when I tacked her up, but it got worse as the day wore on. I didn't have anything to treat it, so I just left her be so I could see if it got worse. This morning most of them were gone except the ones by her face and neck, which kind of worried me, but I'm not one to overreact about vet situations, so I'm just keeping an eye on it.

Of course, today was supposed to be Bella's day back, and it's been raining all day. Since I'm not a grand prix rider in Florida or trying to sell a high a/o horse, I feel absolutely no need to ride in the rain (I say that with only a small amount of resentment!). So the training horses are inside, while the retirees mow my lawn in a nice sprinkle and I've been exceedingly lazy all day long, but I'm certainly not complaining!

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