Now, I know I don't have time to update everything, but here's the gist of it.
I hate my job. I know, I know. It's only the start of week 3, but trust me. I had a lot of trouble in college finding roommates that I could tolerate living with. They all turned into good friends, but I just had to accept that I can't live with certain people. Apparently I'm the same with my work environment.
I tried to show initiative and take care of a few things, and I got patronized and chewed out. That's fine. I'll just do what I'm told, when I'm told, and nothing more. Easy enough.
Now my plan is to move my geriatric horses onto the new farm as soon as possible, and begin to advertise for boarding, training, and breaking. I don't need a ton of money, just enough to survive, and I refuse to be miserable trying to make money when I don't even have the time to enjoy spending it on my horses. What's the point?
Enough of that. My little sister took a lesson on Patrick today, and they were both phenomenal! I was so proud of her. Now I know who's going to take my place when I become an old cripple:)
I jumped Bella on Saturday for the first time in several weeks. I was a little nervous that she'd be put off by the change in fences, but she trooped right down my oxer/oxer/oxer triple (all set at 6.5m. Great exercise for horses that lack power in the take-off). I was thrilled, to say the least! Everyone else has been consistently well-behaved, even Patrick, who tried to take me to the rodeo the other day.
I have noticed that I'm beginning to develop a bad habit on Bella. I blame my lack of lessons in the last five months, but really, what can I do? I've begun to ride a little crooked, which is natural. We all stabilize more on one side of our body, but without eyes on the ground it's become tough for me to hold a neutral position over a jump. I didn't think it was drastic, but Bella's bad feet combined with my weakness has made her almost impossible to get to land on the right lead. Thankfully, this weekend I made two new horsey friends: Sarah and Kate. They're both excellent horsey girls, and they love beer. My kind of women! So we're all going to try to get together to help one another, since none of us pay for regular lessons, and we're all young adult professionals in the industry. I'm excited about the idea! P.S.- Sarah has a GORGEOUS Irish gelding for sale, if anyone wants a super fancy prospect...
All in all, I can't complain. My 'full-time' work schedule kicks in tomorrow. I'm not happy about it. There's no way I can ride all three horses, eat lunch, and drive home and back in 3 hours, so I've given Becca the responsibility of riding Patrick. Thankfully it's a great match, and I think it'll do them both good to spend some time together. Urgh. How is everyone else been doing these last two weeks that I haven't been updating??
Oh, here's that video I promised:) Others are listed under my Youtube: Anner1121
'Night all!