So I had every intention of riding today, really, I did.
Then I went out bar hopping last night, and wound up getting home and into my nice, cozy bed at about 6am. Yikes.
So I rested during the day, intent on riding in the evening. Well, I went out at 4pm and it was hotter than blazes outside. Yup. You guessed it. I said, "Eh, what's one more day's vacation for the horses?"
I'm sure they don't mind at all. Besides, they've all been super lately, and if my bank account allows it, the show schedule will pick up a little after the beach. They could use a vacation, too!
Anyways, I was flipping through our monthly equine news magazine, and there's a help wanted ad very close to my house. They want a manager for 30-40 hours a week, only on weekdays. It's in a town that doesn't have a whole lot of barns. I'm pretty sure it's either this trail/pleasure barn, or this new low-level h/j barn. I'm hoping it's the latter of the two, because that could be yet another foot in the door. Anyways, I'm debating calling them before I leave for the beach for a week. Would it be totally rude to call and inquire, but say I can't come out for a week? Eeep. I'll talk to dad tonight, and maybe I'll be putting together my resume while I'm soaking up some non-horsey sun! My only fear is, 30-40 hours a week would put a serious damper on my personal horsey time, and I simply can't afford to cut back on training with Patrick and Bella, if I'm ever going to get them sold/leased respectively.
Urgh. Why can't things just be easy for once?
Talk to you all in a week!
This is the documented account of the mishaps, and occasional successes, of a mad horsewoman.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
There are some perks to the heat
It was only supposed to be 94 today, but the humidity had it feeling like the triple digits again. Talk about miserable! However, the extreme heat combined with the drought Maryland has found itself in has done wonders for the ugly weeds that my dad never gets around to 'whacking'. They're drying up and dying quick! Granted, this makes things really ugly...but at least they're dead!
I think I accomplished a lot today. I started out later than I wanted to, but I just couldn't get myself out of bed. So when I finally got started, it was already hot and muggy out. I hacked Bella around really quick again. She was less than enthused, and much prefers sitting in front of her fan looking like a surfer dude. But she was well behaved (mostly because I think she wanted to be done quick!).
Then I went around and set the fences smallish, about 2'9", and decided that I should jump Patrick around one good, solid time before I leave on vacation. I tacked up and warmed up as quickly as possible, saving energy for the jumps, and started popping over some fences. He didn't even bat an eye at the larger vertical and oxer I set, and hopped right over my log jump and liverpool from every which direction and angle. It was such a great feeling! I even sat there like a mannequin and let him lope up to the jumps entirely by himself. No matter the distance, he willing found a way to the other side. This is perfect. It's just what I need to advertise him as a kid's horse. So just for the sake of throwing something from left field, I showed him the little 3'0" coop, and geared him up to canter to it. He. could. have. cared. less. Jumped right over it (he did overjump that one a little) three or four times, and I practically sang his praises up until he was back in his stall. Holy cow! Not bad for a $500 horse!
After downing two bottles of water, I decided Bailey was so good yesterday (and hates the heat as much as I do) that she could afford a day off. I'll hack her/lunge her good tomorrow, and then they all have their week of rest while I'm at the beach:)
Since I didn't feel like going inside, despite the extreme temperature, I decided to oil and clean all of my tack (Bella promptly tried to EAT my Antares, leaving lovely tooth indentations). It hadn't been done in ages, and since I can't afford new stuff, I figured I should probably do something about that. Then, to top off my day of productivity, I rounded up some more 'Oops!' paint (bright yellow) and painted some more. I now have two navy/yellow poles, two yellow standards, and two navy standards. Now I just have to find my rusty red and my mint green paint, and decide what to do next! Needless to say, my place gets slightly classier every day!
How are you all dealing with the heat??
I think I accomplished a lot today. I started out later than I wanted to, but I just couldn't get myself out of bed. So when I finally got started, it was already hot and muggy out. I hacked Bella around really quick again. She was less than enthused, and much prefers sitting in front of her fan looking like a surfer dude. But she was well behaved (mostly because I think she wanted to be done quick!).
Then I went around and set the fences smallish, about 2'9", and decided that I should jump Patrick around one good, solid time before I leave on vacation. I tacked up and warmed up as quickly as possible, saving energy for the jumps, and started popping over some fences. He didn't even bat an eye at the larger vertical and oxer I set, and hopped right over my log jump and liverpool from every which direction and angle. It was such a great feeling! I even sat there like a mannequin and let him lope up to the jumps entirely by himself. No matter the distance, he willing found a way to the other side. This is perfect. It's just what I need to advertise him as a kid's horse. So just for the sake of throwing something from left field, I showed him the little 3'0" coop, and geared him up to canter to it. He. could. have. cared. less. Jumped right over it (he did overjump that one a little) three or four times, and I practically sang his praises up until he was back in his stall. Holy cow! Not bad for a $500 horse!
After downing two bottles of water, I decided Bailey was so good yesterday (and hates the heat as much as I do) that she could afford a day off. I'll hack her/lunge her good tomorrow, and then they all have their week of rest while I'm at the beach:)
Since I didn't feel like going inside, despite the extreme temperature, I decided to oil and clean all of my tack (Bella promptly tried to EAT my Antares, leaving lovely tooth indentations). It hadn't been done in ages, and since I can't afford new stuff, I figured I should probably do something about that. Then, to top off my day of productivity, I rounded up some more 'Oops!' paint (bright yellow) and painted some more. I now have two navy/yellow poles, two yellow standards, and two navy standards. Now I just have to find my rusty red and my mint green paint, and decide what to do next! Needless to say, my place gets slightly classier every day!
How are you all dealing with the heat??
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
102 degrees...two days in a row
Yesterday was the first day of the year that tipped into the triple digits. By the time I had had breakfast and coffee, it was 11 in the morning. I had already gone out to clean up the stalls and get them ready, figuring the horses would be inside for most of the afternoon once I rode. However, when my mom walked in the room and said it was 94 degrees by 11am, I swiftly changed out of breeches and said 'to hell' with riding. I brought all of the horses inside and opened their dutch doors. Their fans were promptly set to 'high', and I even watered down the aisle to keep things as cool as possible. They were already lathered in sweat from just standing around.
Today I was slightly more prepared for this stagnant heat. I stayed the night at a horsey friend's place, and since she had to be at work by 6am, I was up and moving at the same time. I drove home, fed at 7, and was out tacking up my first ride by 8am, trying to beat the worst of the heat. However, it was already 90 degrees out!
Needless to say, Bella was super sluggish and not terribly motivated, which is a little unusual for her, but I certainly didn't blame her. She loosened up a little bit as we worked, and I did a lot of collected sitting trot with no stirrups. She felt really great, and I finished up as quickly, yet as efficiently, as I possibly could. She about passed out on the aisle while I untacked her, and as fit as she is, she was sweaty.
I gave Patrick a good hearty flat as well, since it's been a while since I've genuinely worked him. These days it seems everyone else rides him except me! He definitely needs me on him though, as I learned today. He's starting to get a little heavy and obstinate in his mouth, so I spent a lot of time bending and really working his mouth trying to get him to soften. By the time we were done, he was moving great and we were both sweaty and tired.
Chug a bottle of water, tack up Bailey. Whew!
I spent more time just flexing her at the walk. We did a few walk/halt transitions, not moving until she stopped fighting the contact. She's really learning that the bit doesn't give in, she has to, and she really had some nice moments thrown in with her baby fussbudgeting (as I call it). We did a little bit of trot work, for which I received another saddle sore thanks to her wild suspension, but she did eventually settle into it and really did some nice stretch work into the contact. It wasn't in my plan to take any contact in her mouth this soon, but she does it almost naturally. It's unbelievably nice to have a horse built for this kind of work, instead of trying to manipulate their musculature to carry them the way I want. I love my thoroughbreds, but this is a whole different ballpark!
Anyways, I finished by 11am, and it was already pushing the mid-90's. Yuck. I'm so thankful to be reclining in my bed typing this!
In other news, I finally heard from my trainer. He claims that I was the one who disappeared. I'm not sure if it was a genuine misunderstanding (I have my serious doubts), or if it's another brainwashing technique, but either way I just keep telling myself, "I will NOT burn this bridge, no matter HOW angry or betrayed I may feel".
In other other news, my CIT from several years ago, Amanda, agreed to come jump Patrick around for me. Yay! She's a really quiet and patient rider, and a sweet girl. I realized that I may not be moving up in the ranks any time soon, but I have more than enough to offer someone else an opportunity. So I sent her a Fb message, and she thanked me twice and seemed really excited!
Here's a few pictures:)
Tidus balances precariously trying to get a drink, while Ashe waits his turn.
Bailey yawns in the heat. She's the sleepiest little filly I've ever seen.
My cheapy attempt at stall guards. They work for everyone except Scooter and Patrick so far!
Fiesta looks out her dutch door.
Stay cool!
Today I was slightly more prepared for this stagnant heat. I stayed the night at a horsey friend's place, and since she had to be at work by 6am, I was up and moving at the same time. I drove home, fed at 7, and was out tacking up my first ride by 8am, trying to beat the worst of the heat. However, it was already 90 degrees out!
Needless to say, Bella was super sluggish and not terribly motivated, which is a little unusual for her, but I certainly didn't blame her. She loosened up a little bit as we worked, and I did a lot of collected sitting trot with no stirrups. She felt really great, and I finished up as quickly, yet as efficiently, as I possibly could. She about passed out on the aisle while I untacked her, and as fit as she is, she was sweaty.
I gave Patrick a good hearty flat as well, since it's been a while since I've genuinely worked him. These days it seems everyone else rides him except me! He definitely needs me on him though, as I learned today. He's starting to get a little heavy and obstinate in his mouth, so I spent a lot of time bending and really working his mouth trying to get him to soften. By the time we were done, he was moving great and we were both sweaty and tired.
Chug a bottle of water, tack up Bailey. Whew!
I spent more time just flexing her at the walk. We did a few walk/halt transitions, not moving until she stopped fighting the contact. She's really learning that the bit doesn't give in, she has to, and she really had some nice moments thrown in with her baby fussbudgeting (as I call it). We did a little bit of trot work, for which I received another saddle sore thanks to her wild suspension, but she did eventually settle into it and really did some nice stretch work into the contact. It wasn't in my plan to take any contact in her mouth this soon, but she does it almost naturally. It's unbelievably nice to have a horse built for this kind of work, instead of trying to manipulate their musculature to carry them the way I want. I love my thoroughbreds, but this is a whole different ballpark!
Anyways, I finished by 11am, and it was already pushing the mid-90's. Yuck. I'm so thankful to be reclining in my bed typing this!
In other news, I finally heard from my trainer. He claims that I was the one who disappeared. I'm not sure if it was a genuine misunderstanding (I have my serious doubts), or if it's another brainwashing technique, but either way I just keep telling myself, "I will NOT burn this bridge, no matter HOW angry or betrayed I may feel".
In other other news, my CIT from several years ago, Amanda, agreed to come jump Patrick around for me. Yay! She's a really quiet and patient rider, and a sweet girl. I realized that I may not be moving up in the ranks any time soon, but I have more than enough to offer someone else an opportunity. So I sent her a Fb message, and she thanked me twice and seemed really excited!
Here's a few pictures:)
Tidus balances precariously trying to get a drink, while Ashe waits his turn.
Bailey yawns in the heat. She's the sleepiest little filly I've ever seen.
My cheapy attempt at stall guards. They work for everyone except Scooter and Patrick so far!
Fiesta looks out her dutch door.
Stay cool!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Independence Day!
I've been feeling crappy all day. I think I slept through almost all of it. Oh well. There's one every year, right?
And I leave for the beach in less than a week now! I can't wait. I need a vacation.
Yesterday held several landmarks for Patrick. He jumped his first liverpool, his first line (which was also his first triple combination), and his first crossed oxer. I wish I had something interesting to say about it, but he was great. Definitely a little wiggly and confused in the line, but that's to be expected. He didnt even overjump the liverpool. He's definitely going to be worth every penny someone spends on him.
I jumped Bella through the canterpoles/oxer exercise a few times. I put the jump up to about 3'6" and she went through it great. I think she'll be ready for the July Pickwick Show's 3'6" class with no problems. I tried putting the jump up to about 4'0". She wanted so badly to jump it well, and tried a few times, but it was just too much for her. I backed it down to 3'6" to finish on a good note and decided to think on the outcome of the experiment. I wish I had my trainer there to know if she was having problems because she's never jumped that big, or because she's topping out. She felt unsure, not splinter-bellied, but it's tough to tell when you're just the pilot and not the eyes on the ground. Maybe it's something to work towards.
Speaking of my trainer, it's been two and a half weeks since I heard from him. I was about to give up earlier this week, when I received a phone call from his groom. He told me that my trainer was out of the country giving a clinic, and couldn't call me. He wanted me to get online one night this week because he really needs to speak with me. Weird, right?
Well, I'm always logged on AIM because of my iPhone, and I saw him online at least twice. He never responded to my attempts to talk to him. I don't know what is going on, but I'm beyond frustrated. I'm hoping this trainer friend-of-a-friend is interested in Patrick so I can just move on and forget about being burned for the fourth time. I'm really starting to lose faith in the people of this industry. I don't think any of them can be trusted.
Anyways, easy week this week. I may jump Patrick once before I leave on vacation, but Bella's going to take it easy. She doesn't need the extra work, and as much as I want to jump her every day, I could do without the added work, too. I think my friend will come ride Patty Thursday and Friday. I'm sure he'll be super, as usual. I'm excited to ride Bailey some more, too. I lunged her yesterday, and she looked amazing. I can't wait until she's ready for more work. Just the idea alone gives me some hope for myself:)
Happy Fourth Everyone!
And I leave for the beach in less than a week now! I can't wait. I need a vacation.
Yesterday held several landmarks for Patrick. He jumped his first liverpool, his first line (which was also his first triple combination), and his first crossed oxer. I wish I had something interesting to say about it, but he was great. Definitely a little wiggly and confused in the line, but that's to be expected. He didnt even overjump the liverpool. He's definitely going to be worth every penny someone spends on him.
I jumped Bella through the canterpoles/oxer exercise a few times. I put the jump up to about 3'6" and she went through it great. I think she'll be ready for the July Pickwick Show's 3'6" class with no problems. I tried putting the jump up to about 4'0". She wanted so badly to jump it well, and tried a few times, but it was just too much for her. I backed it down to 3'6" to finish on a good note and decided to think on the outcome of the experiment. I wish I had my trainer there to know if she was having problems because she's never jumped that big, or because she's topping out. She felt unsure, not splinter-bellied, but it's tough to tell when you're just the pilot and not the eyes on the ground. Maybe it's something to work towards.
Speaking of my trainer, it's been two and a half weeks since I heard from him. I was about to give up earlier this week, when I received a phone call from his groom. He told me that my trainer was out of the country giving a clinic, and couldn't call me. He wanted me to get online one night this week because he really needs to speak with me. Weird, right?
Well, I'm always logged on AIM because of my iPhone, and I saw him online at least twice. He never responded to my attempts to talk to him. I don't know what is going on, but I'm beyond frustrated. I'm hoping this trainer friend-of-a-friend is interested in Patrick so I can just move on and forget about being burned for the fourth time. I'm really starting to lose faith in the people of this industry. I don't think any of them can be trusted.
Anyways, easy week this week. I may jump Patrick once before I leave on vacation, but Bella's going to take it easy. She doesn't need the extra work, and as much as I want to jump her every day, I could do without the added work, too. I think my friend will come ride Patty Thursday and Friday. I'm sure he'll be super, as usual. I'm excited to ride Bailey some more, too. I lunged her yesterday, and she looked amazing. I can't wait until she's ready for more work. Just the idea alone gives me some hope for myself:)
Happy Fourth Everyone!
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