Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh, Weather...You never fail to ruin my plans

Still no pictures from Culpeper...apparently printing them, stuffing them in an envelope, and labeling it is VERY difficult...

So the trial on Sunday went fantastic. Patrick was a doll, though I did have a moment when I was a bit worried!

Despite driving up in a brand-spanking-new beamer and touting that their daughter attends private school, the poor girl was riding in the most god-awful saddle I've ever seen in my life. When I mounted up and asked Patrick to walk away from the mounting block, he started hopping like he wanted to rear...wonderfullll. So I yanked the saddle and stuck a riser pad underneath of it, and that helped. You could tell he still wasn't happy, but he didn't do anything bad.


The girl hopped on after me, and you could tell she was nervous and tense. Patrick, once again, did nothing to take advantage of her. He. Was. A. Superstar. He hopped around a few little crossrails for her, and seemed really happy with her. I'm a little worried that he might be too much horse for her until he's back in work,  but he seemed happy with the match. I know if she had tried him last summer when he was fit and in training, they would have been absolutely perfect for one another.

So they asked to take him on trial, to which I told them that won't be happening. I don't know them or their trainer, and I've never had a good experience with a trial (and neither had my consultant; thanks Steph!). So we compromised. I'm taking him to their barn on Friday so the girl can take a lesson on him. If it goes well, they are going to cut me a check right there, and consider him sold pending a vet check. Ahh!!! So I've been working really hard these last couple of days to make sure he's ready for her. I would really love for him to go to this girl. It would be absolutely wonderful for them both. She's 15 and 4'11". She fits him beautifully, he's quiet enough for her to do the 2'3" stuff on now,  but he can jump around a 3'6" course and take her up the ranks. Plus, he's 5 years old! She'll never need another horse. Plus, my boss's farrier knows the trainer very well, does the feet at her farm, and says he'll have a  great home and that she's a confident enough rider to school him up for the girl if necessary. Doesn't this sound too good to be true? I hope not! That money would fund the rest of my show season and really jump start Bailey's future.

Cross your fingers for me! Hopefully I come home with an empty trailer Friday afternoon!

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